Link to Miro:
Kotryna: Anansi the Spider and Lithuanian Folk stories

Who are the characters?

What are their goals, motivations, obstacles?

What is the final result?

Where is the story taking place and why?


- poem: voice over (british person) maybe mixed with text on the screen.
- Voice-over: Experiences adding to it from interviews from people.
- Video: A girl goes away from a friend, to her house and while she is travelling there is a man harrasing her.
- Mixed with experimental footage, little animations in between.

Task division:
- Kotryna: write the poem, Kotryna makes methaphorical animations, contact the british friend.
- Victor and Elfie: interview people at school.
- Elfie: Ask two friends to cooperate at shoot day: Thursday: evening.
- Elfie: Play with camera experimental footage.
- Victor: Illustrative text.

Predature culture, sexism.

Did you ever feel unsafe while being outside and why? Can you tell something about this?

Repeat the question.